Saturday, April 21, 2012


Just popping on to say that I am almost finished with finals for this semester, so work for this should start back up shortly.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Video Progress Update

Just a quick video snapshot of what I have so far, at least in the engine.
I apologize for how tiny the video is, I shot this and uploaded it very quickly, and just wanted to show a general idea of how stuff looks.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Next semi-breakthrough

Hey folks,

Today, after finishing my art "homework," I was able to sit down and work on Project Long Hike. I cleaned up some wonkiness with the combat that I hadn't noticed before, and I was also able to create a test ability and the visual effect for it. I need to fine tune how the effect looks/etc, but I have it working. Also, depending on how the next few days go, I may or may not have the character creation screen taken care of, but we will see. :)


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Important Character Sketch

Here is a sneak peak at an unnamed, but very important character for Project Long Hike. A little grainy, but it's good enough for me to model from :P.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

What's Going On?

I just wanted to say why I have not been getting as much done on this awesome project as I would like. I have finals coming up, and 2 of them include animating. (1 3d project with modeling, etc, and the other 2d.) I also have some life drawing work to catch up on, and my sister is up from Georgia, so I have a lot going on right now. However,  I am managing to do some little things in the meantime, such as the fence, and some story elements!

4/5/12 Update

Added a fence tonight, adds a ton of character I think. Also, a step or two forward with the HUD. Don't worry, those health and mana bars, and the interface itself are NOT final. :P


Sunday, April 1, 2012

4/1/12 Update

Hey Folks,

Just thought I'd say that I finally updated how the HUD in the bottom appears. After what feels like a week or 2, I'm finally starting to work a little harder on this again. :)
