Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Old Posts From Facebook

 These are all of the posts from my Facebook page about Project Long Hike that I could find, in chronological order. The exact date of the game's birth is unknown but is definitely early February. Hope you enjoy!

February 11th, 2012 : Any of my friends highly efficient at Javascript or C#?

February 18th, 2012: For anyone that knew and may be wanting an update. I have been cranking out ideas/mechanics for the game I am developing. I now have : world map, task panel, inventory, health/resource bars, ability keys, a few "baddies," one starter area, and a couple character concepts finished visually. I also have some major starting plot points, some possible stats, some character classes, and a sense of time. I have also come to a decision about combat. I originally wanted it to be turn-based, but with the type of baddies and story this is going to have, I have decided to change it to a ability based hack-and-slash. This will enhance the story and game-play in this case. (Though I REALLY wanted turn based, I believe this is the right choice.)

 February 23rd, 2012:
To show that I'm doing some stuff for my as of now unnamed game, here's a piece of concept art. Let me know what you think!

 February 24th, 2012: Wrote out 6 abilities/spells for a certain class. (Some which may be familiar, some that I have never seen before in a game) :)
Just a little announcement for my game, and I know this will bother many people, but here it is...There will be no minimap, or any kind of task tracking of any kind. There will be a world map to show where you are in general, but there will be no way of finding where you need to go to do something. (Other than listening to NPCs and finding landmarks/clues.) I feel that the sense of accomplishment one gets when the finish something in a game (partly) comes from the exploration and effort on the player's part to do it. Hope you like the news.
February 25th, 2012: As of now, I need around 27 major scripts. (Major as in the ones that will encompass numerous other parts.) I have a list, and a basic rundown on how they interact with each other.
A quick render of the skull I modeled tonight.

 March 2, 2012: Great thing about isometric game modelling, I only have to model the front and a side of an object, not back or other side :).
March 3, 2012: 
 March 6th, 2012: Regardless of how much work this is, I am so pumped for my game :).
March 7th, 2012: Workin on GUI, dododododododododo
March 8th, 2012: Oh Bob Marley, you keep my extremely frustrated mind from going berserk while working on this game. :)
March 11th, 2012: Ugh, this GUI crap is really gettin to me, could use some encouragement. I think I've finally figured it out, after about 2 1/2 days of 0 progress. Ofc it was the simplest little thing that was staring me right in the face the whole time.
Creating the first test task for the game :), fixed the problem with at least 1 of the GUI assets, and figured out dialogue. Next thing on my list is to get the rest of the animations for the test character in there.
March 12th, 2012: Sadly, I had to start all over engine-wise. There was some error, and I couldn't alter anything. The good news is, the work that took me about a week only took me 2 hours this time. :)
March 13th, 2012: YES, I got the first test task completed with minimal headaches. Nothing special, just a case of "I left this there because I'm an idiot, go get it for me." Still, glad I was able to do it myself :P. Now on to better things!
March 14th, 2012: Changed the first test task to where you have to fight a creature to get the item needed to finish the task. Kinda crummy and basic, but it works! (In doing so, implemented test attacks, roaming ai, etc.) :)
March 15th, 2012:
Concept of enemy named "Fallen." Which version do you prefer?


Wrapped One Concept

March 19th, 2012: Got the first NPC modeled, textured, etc! :D Just need to animate em.
 Made the player attacks less wonky :).

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